Exploring humanity, performance & genius from the inside out.

Insights, reflections, and stories to shed light on our own very human experience.

Pete Craig Pete Craig

Look up.

Take time to pull back from everyday life. we spend so much time focused on what we are doing in that moment and only what we are doing, in life, work, or businesses, we forget to look up to see all the possibilities, all the choices available to us at any given moment.

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Be mindful.

Many of us are thinking automated thoughts. Often they are not even yours. whose voice is talking inside your mind? Is it your father’s voice, your teachers? or are you running a continuous loop of imagining a future disaster? Learn to observe and detach from your thoughts. become aware if they serve you and move you towards where you want to be?

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Get real.

Part of unlocking your own unique genius lies in being truthful, about everything. not easy we know, however, in order to move beyond everyday intelligence and into the realm of genius we have to let go of all pretense and get real.

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Feel all emotions.

Emotions are energy in motion. when fully felt, most emotions will move through our nervous system within just minutes. look at babies, they can laugh, scream, cry and throw a tantrum all within ten minutes! we learn later to suppress and only express ‘allowed’ emotions.

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Engage more deeply.

Talk and listen. really talk and listen. and listen first. seek to understand first, then you’ll be understood.

Cultivate honest relationships and learn to trust (some of us don’t even feel we can trust our own flesh and blood) so that you can share openly and honestly, about anything. drop the masks.

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Insight, wisdom & transformation you won’t find on google.

This is my invitation to you…

Dive deep and step into true (self) leadership, feel all your emotions, and speak your truth, so you can tap into your genius potential.

Live, love, and lead from a place of truth, connection, and purpose

Curious? Let’s talk.