Get real.

Access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius.

We all have access to deep wisdom beyond the intelligence of our mind and we all have a unique genius waiting within to be uncovered.

Get Real.

Part of unlocking your own unique genius lies in being truthful, about everything. not easy we know, however, in order to move beyond everyday intelligence and into the realm of genius we have to let go of all pretense and get real.

Be radically honest about your current circumstances. all of them. if you’re broke, admit it, if your relationship is broken, acknowledge it. it all starts with admitting the truth - to yourself and move and share from that place of recognition and insight. it’s humbling.

Identify in each scenario what is actually within your control (the reality is likely very little) and surrender everything else, fighting to control those things you cannot control doesn’t work.

And even worse it causes three things:

1. Blocks the flow of the life force that allows you to move with grace and ease

2. Uses up vital energy that you could focus on what you can control

3. Magnifies the negative which in turn creates stuckness and inhibits your inner genius

Another inhibitor of inner genius and wisdom are the masks we wear, the facades we put up to be accepted, to be liked and loved, to get ahead at work or in business. it’s both our unwillingness to un-mask ourselves from fear of shame, unworthiness, or embarrassment and often our inability to even recognise that we are wearing a mask or false identity at all. if you are blessed with conscious friends that lovingly point those out to you then you’ll uncover more of the pristine nature of your true being.

Grant yourself access to your inner wisdom and ignite your unique genius. humbly ask to be shown the masks you wear: at work, in relationships, with yourself.

... they aren’t real

... they aren’t attractive

... they aren’t you

Warning! When those masks are pulled down or shown to you you might feel raw, naked, and vulnerable. and soon after you’ll feel more free, liberated, and real. it’s a process to get comfortable with. just be you.

#action be honest. be real. be you.

* These words are part of a collaboration titled ‘10-ways to access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius’ created by Pete Craig and Daniel Wagner


Be still.


Feel all emotions.