Engage more deeply.

Access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius.

We all have access to deep wisdom beyond the intelligence of our mind and we all have a unique genius waiting within to be uncovered.

Engage more deeply.

Talk and listen. really talk and listen. and listen first. seek to understand first, then you’ll be understood.

Cultivate honest relationships and learn to trust (some of us don’t even feel we can trust our own flesh and blood) so that you can share openly and honestly, about anything. drop the masks.

Create a safe environment so you can be vulnerable and share your truth without shame and without limits. speak your deepest truth. be real.

Speaking brings thoughts into reality, it releases tension and frustration and it creates space for things to move and change, for new and different thoughts and ideas to appear. it’s the space from where your inner wisdom can arise and for your unique inborn genius to shine.

Ask questions and be willing to hear the answers and feedback. how do others see you?

What qualities, strengths and weaknesses do they see? their answers provide valuable insights into who you truly are, the genius and wisdom that is you. the you that you can’t see.

Listen. to others. intently. if we’re honest most of us are listening for our next opportunity to speak. yet when we actively and curiously listen without judgement we widen our own limited perspective, see new possibilities and access the infinite potential and wisdom that is available to us at all times.

#action be present. share openly. listen intently

* These words are part of a collaboration titled ‘10-ways to access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius’ created by Pete Craig and Daniel Wagner


Feel all emotions.