Be mindful.

Access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius.

We all have access to deep wisdom beyond the intelligence of our mind and we all have a unique genius waiting within to be uncovered.

Be mindful.

Many of us are thinking automated thoughts. Often they are not even yours. whose voice is talking inside your mind? Is it your father’s voice, your teachers? or are you running a continuous loop of imagining a future disaster? Learn to observe and detach from your thoughts. become aware if they serve you and move you towards where you want to be?

Too many of us are acting unconsciously triggered by unconscious thoughts. Learn to observe your mind. Ask yourself: who is thinking those thoughts? Once you can see yourself watching the thoughts, you can catch them and gently guide them in a different direction.

Allow your intuition and inner guidance (your inner wisdom) take the lead where emotional triggers and thought patterns once took charge.

#action question each thought

* These words are part of a collaboration titled ‘10-ways to access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius’ created by Pete Craig and Daniel Wagner


Be healthwise.


Create a practice.