Interested in working with me?

Click the links below to learn more or contact me directly ——>

One-to-One Coaching

Powerful one-to-one session work, in person or remotely.

Clients say in my presence they gain clarity, this comes as a result of my willingness to be fully present, and my desire to listen deeply, without judgement, pointing directly at those things being avoided or that simply aren’t seen. Inviting them to dive deeper, to cultivate awareness, create space for growth, for genius and potential to flourish.

Working with me one-to-one, you’ll be fully heard, you’ll be challenged to be more in every way, and you’ll be supported in whatever emerges.

Curious? Let’s talk, and discover if this is right for you.


Thought-provoking, inspiring and challenging talks to cultivate awareness of being, and breath to create new ways of seeing and thinking. Stimulating genius and challenging audiences to actualise their potential.

Founders Circle

A unique offering for Founders, VCs, and Accelerators.

Designed to allow Startup Founders to feel supported, heard, and importantly, not judged. A place to discover tools and practices to build inner strength, resilience, and focus, tools, and practices to enhance company culture and tap into the inherent genius we all possess.

For Investors, VCs, and Accelerators looking to support their founder’s well-being, Circle provides a unique framework within which to provide them with the human experiences and tools they need to succeed in business and thrive in life.

Interested? Click below to learn more and then, let’s talk.


If you’re curious about Breathwork and would like to explore how it can positively impact every area of your life, business and relationships or want to create a deeper connection to self, and access altered states that stimulate new perspectives and ignite true purpose, and genius, then schedule a call.

“Human potential = Performance + passion x purpose.”

— Pete Craig

Insight, wisdom & transformation you won’t find on google.

This is my invitation to you…

Dive deep and step into true (self) leadership, feel all your emotions, and speak your truth, so you can tap into your genius potential.

Live, love, and lead from a place of truth, connection, and purpose

Curious? Let’s talk