What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is the broad term given to the practice of bringing conscious awareness to the breathing process.

Breathing for the most part requires no active thought from us, and is therefore considered autonomic, however, unlike other autonomic processes, the breath is the only one we can also consciously control.

…and how can it help you?

Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

When you change your Breathing pattern, you can change your state.

Your breath plays a major role in the regulation of your body’s nervous system, and how you react to the world around you - your state.

Cultivating breath awareness is the first step to recognising and changing this in order to function optimally.

Understanding, and then experiencing firsthand the power of this simple, accessible tool opens the door to transformation in business, relationships, and life.

Nervous system regulation

Your nervous system operates through a complex network of signals between the brain and the body and vice versa, it’s designed to manage our resources and keep us safe.

Thanks to its role in regulating or balancing the nervous system, we’re able, with the use of simple but powerful breathing techniques to change our state of mind and being almost in an instant.

Moving, for example, from stress, anxiety, and panic, to relaxation, calm, and safety.

Learning, and using these simple techniques can transform how you experience life and how others experience you.

Transformational Breathwork

Breathwork can also be used to have much deeper, more impactful and transformational experiences.

A technique called Conscious Connected Breathing allows us effectively quieten the active, conscious, logical brain and connect back in with our bodies, our feelings and emotions.

Accessing altered states of consciousness allows us the opportunity to witness what’s happening in our everyday life from a new perspective, it allows us the opportunity to see our true potential, and connect deeply with our purpose, our heart.

This breathing technique also allows us to release trauma, emotional or physical experiences that we have suppressed, often because the pain of releasing it at the time was too great or we were not sufficiently capable of doing so.

Conscious Connected Breathing helps the body to release this held trauma, release old patterns of behaviour and beliefs in order to move forward.

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
— Amit Ray


If you’re curious about how Breathwork can support you or your business, why not schedule a call to learn more.

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This is my invitation to you…

Dive deep and step into true (self) leadership, feel all your emotions, and speak your truth, so you can tap into your genius potential.

Live, love, and lead from a place of truth, connection, and purpose