Be still.

Access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius.

We all have access to deep wisdom beyond the intelligence of our mind and we all have a unique genius waiting within to be uncovered.

Be Still.

Similar in many ways to slowing down, being still is much more about your physical body, about becoming aware, REALLY aware of it and how each part of it feels. many of us have lost our connection to ourselves, to our bodies and therefore miss the early warning signs of stress, anxiety, and even dis-ease.

By being still you can become aware of your body's resting state and as a result, be more aware of changes that result from outside stimuli. we’re all energetic beings and when we’re not aware or connected to our bodies we’re not aware of the energetic message we share with the world. be still and claim back self-sovereignty so you can more easily notice the clues and signs normally hidden in the world around you.

#action spend time alone, be with yourself

* These words are part of a collaboration titled ‘10-ways to access your inner wisdom and ignite your own genius’ created by Pete Craig and Daniel Wagner


Slow down…


Get real.