Exploring humanity, performance & genius from the inside out.

Insights, reflections, and stories to shed light on our own very human experience.

Pete Craig Pete Craig

Look up.

Take time to pull back from everyday life. we spend so much time focused on what we are doing in that moment and only what we are doing, in life, work, or businesses, we forget to look up to see all the possibilities, all the choices available to us at any given moment.

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Create a practice.

Your inner wisdom and genius need nurturing and building. just like a muscle, they need regular exercise to grow, so create a practice that will help to strengthen them both.

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Pete Craig Pete Craig

Masks dropping…

Masks dropping… unceremoniously stripped naked and laid bare for all to see (or so I thought)

It doesn’t always happen in midlife, I’ve spoken to many who have themselves experienced this very same event in their thirties some even in their late twenties, but for me and thousands of others all over the World, and my guess perhaps some of you reading this, it happened at midlife. 

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Insight, wisdom & transformation you won’t find on google.

This is my invitation to you…

Dive deep and step into true (self) leadership, feel all your emotions, and speak your truth, so you can tap into your genius potential.

Live, love, and lead from a place of truth, connection, and purpose

Curious? Let’s talk.